OCT/NOV, 2024
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisciplinary (Edu. & Phy.Edu.) & Science & Technology Faculty dated on 04.03.2025 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Interdisplinary (Edu. & Phy. Edu.) and Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 04.03.2025 at 11.00 AM.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law), Science & Technology & Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 06.02.2025 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law), Science & Technology & Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 29.01.2025 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law), Commerce & Management and Science & Technology Faculty dated on 20.01.2025 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Humanities (Arts and Law), Commerce & Management and Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 06.02.2025 at 11.00 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Humanities (Arts and Law), Commerce & Management and Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 29.01.2025 at 11.00 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Humanities (Arts and Law), Commerce & Management and Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 20.01.2025 at 11.00 AM.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law), Commerce & Management and Science & Technology Faculty dated on 31.12.2024 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Humanities (Arts and Law), Commerce & Management and Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 31.12.2024 at 11.00 AM
MAR / APR 2024
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) & Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 17.10.2024 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 24.09.2024 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Humanities (Arts and Law) faculty which will be held on 24.09.2024 at 11.00 AM
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management, Interdisciplinary(Edu. & Phy. Edu.),Science & Technology & Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 20.08.2024 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Interdisciplinary(Edu. & Phy. Edu.), Humanities, Commerce & Management and Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 20.08.2024 at 11.00 AM
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management, Interdisciplinary(Edu. & Phy. Edu.) And Science & Technology Faculty dated on 01.08.2024 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 31.07.2024 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 19.07.2024 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 18.07.2024 (Punishment list).
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Interdisciplinary(Edu. & Phy. Edu.), Commerce & Management and Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 01.08.2024 at 11.00 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Humanities (Arts and Law) faculty which will be held on 31.07.2024 at 11.00 AM.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 28.06.2024 (Punishment list).
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 19.07.2024 at 11.00 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 18.07.2024 at 11.00 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 28.06.2024 at 11.00 AM.
OCT / NOV 2023
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management And Science & Technology Faculty dated on 25.04.2024 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Commerce & Management and Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 25.04.2024 at 11.00 AM.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management, Humanities (Arts & Law) And Science & Technology Faculty dated on 03.04.2024 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Commerce & Management,Science & Technology And Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty which will be held on 03.04.2024 at 11.00 AM.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities(Arts & Law),Commerce & Management And Science & Technology Faculty dated on 15.03.2024 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management And Science & Technology Faculty dated on 04.03.2024 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management,Humanities,Interdisciplinary(Education) And Science & Technology Faculty dated on 22.02.2024 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management,Humanities And Science & Technology Faculty dated on 21.02.2024 (Punishment list).
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Commerce & Management,Science & Technology And Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty which will be held on 15.03.2024 at 11.00 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Commerce & Management And Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 04.03.2024 at 11.00 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Commerce & Management,Science & Technology,Humanities (Arts & Law) And Interdisplinary faculty which will be held on 22.02.2024 at 11.00 AM.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) And Commerce & Management faculty dated on 19.01.2024 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management And Science & Technology faculty dated on 18.01.2024 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Commerce & Management,Science & Technology and Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty which will be held on 21.02.2024 at 11.00 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Commerce & Management,Science & Technology and Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty which will be held on 19.01.2024 at 11.00 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Commerce & Management and Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 18.01.2024 at 11.00 AM.
MAR / APR 2023
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisplinary (Education & Phy. Edu.) Faculty dated on 21.11.2023 (Punishment list).
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy. Education) faculty which will be held on 21.11.2023 at 11.30 AM.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisplinary (Education & Phy. Edu.), Commerce & Management and Science & Technology Faculty dated on 20.10.2023 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Humanities (Arts & Law), Science & Technology, Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 20.10.2023 at 11.00 AM.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law), Commerce & Management and Science & Technology Faculty dated on 04.10.2023 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 08.09.2023 (Punishment list).
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Humanities (Arts & Law), Science & Technology, Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 04.10.2023 at 11.00 AM.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 31.08.2023 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 31.08.2023 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy.Education) Faculty dated on 01.09.2023 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy.Education) Faculty dated on 22.08.2023 (Punishment list).
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty which will be held on 08.09.2023 at 11.00 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy. Education) faculty which will be held on 01.09.2023 at 12.00 PM
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 10.08.2023 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 31.08.2023 at 02.30 PM.
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 31.08.2023 at 11.00 AM..
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy. Education) faculty which will be held on 22.08.2023 at 03.00 PM.
- Notice of Meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 10.08.2023 at 02.00 PM.
OCT/NOV 2022
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy.Education) Faculty dated on 10.06.2023 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy.Education) Faculty dated on 15.06.2022 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 06.06.2023 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 22.05.2023 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 22.05.2023 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 15.05.2023 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy. Education) faculty which will be held on 10.06.2023 at 03.00 PM.
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty which will be held on 06.06.2023 at 12.00 PM.
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Interdisciplinary(Education & Phy. Education) faculty which will be held on 06.06.2023 at 03.00 PM.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 26.04.2023 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 27.04.2023 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 28.04.2023 (Punishment list).
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 22.05.2023 at 02.00 PM.
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 15.05.2023 at 11.00 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty which will be held on 22.05.2023 at 11.00 AM.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 05.04.2023 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 26.04.2023 at 01.30 PM.
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 27.04.2023 at 11.00 AM.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 20.03.2023 (Punishment list).
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty which will be held on 28.04.2023 at 11.00 AM.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 10.03.2023 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 09.03.2023 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 05.04.2023 at 11.30 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 20.03.2023 at 11.00 AM
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty which will be held on 10.03.2023 at 03.00 PM.
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 09.03.2023 at 12.30 PM
MAR / APR 2022
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 11.01.2023 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 29.12.2022 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 04.01.2022 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 26.12.2022 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty which will be held on 11.01.2023 at 12.00 PM.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 22.12.2022 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty which will be held on 04.01.2023 at 12.00 PM.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy.Education) Faculty dated on 14.11.2022 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Humanities faculty which will be held on 26.12.2022 at 12.30 PM.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 07.12.2022 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 05.12.2022 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 09.12.2022 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 02.12.2022 (Punishment list).
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 29.12.2022 at 11.00 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Humanities faculty which will be held on 22.12.2022 at 12.00 PM..
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 09.12.2022 at 11.00 AM
- Notice of Meeting of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 07.12.2022 at 11.00 AM.(Reschedule).
- Notice of Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty which will be held on 05.12.2022 at 11.00 AM.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 08.10.2022 (Punishment list).
- Notice of Meeting of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 29.11.2022 at 11.00 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 02.12.2022 at 11.00 AM.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy. Education) Faculty dated on 20.10.2022 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 07.10.2022 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Interdisciplinary (Education & Physical Edu.) faculty which will be held on 14.11.2022 at 04.00 PM
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 18.10.2022 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Interdisciplinary (Education & Physical Edu.) faculty which will be held on 20.10.2022 at 11.00 AM
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty which will be held on 18.10.2022 at 11.00 AM.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 20.09.2022 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 07.10.2022 at 11.00 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of Copy case of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 08.10.2022 at 11.00 AM.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 27.08.2022 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy.Education) Faculty dated on 18.08.2022 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy.Education) Faculty dated on 03.08.2022 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 22.08.2022 (Punishment list).
- Notice of Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty which will be held on 20.09.2022 at 11.00 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 27.08.2022 at 11.00 AM.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 20.07.2022 (Punishment list).
- Notice of Meeting of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy. Education) faculty which will be held on 18.08.2022 at 12.00 PM.
- Notice of Meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 22.08.2022 at 02.00 PM.
- Notice of Meeting of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy. Education) faculty which will be held on 03.08.2022 at 12.00 PM.
- Notice of Meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 20.07.2022 at 02.00 PM.
OCT / NOV 2021
MAR / APR 2021
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 30.09.2021 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 15.09.2021 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 21.09.2021 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 09.09.2021 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 14.09.2021 (Punishment list).
- Notice of Meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 30.09.2021 at 11.30 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 21.09.2021 at 10.00 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 15.09.2021 at 02.30 PM.
- Notice of Meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 14.09.2021 at 10.00 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 09.09.2021 at 10.30 AM.
OCT / NOV 2020
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 24.08.2021 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 20.08.2021 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 06.08.2021 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 23.07.2021 (Punishment list) .
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 20.07.2021 (Punishment list) .
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 19.07.2021 at 01.30 PM (Punishment list) .
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 19.07.2021 at 11.30 AM (Punishment list) .
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 16.07.2021 (Punishment list) .
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 15.07.2021 at 01.30 PM (Punishment list) .
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 15.07.2021 at 11.30 AM (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 02.07.2021 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 24.08.2021 at 11.00 AM..
- Notice of Meeting of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 20.08.2021 at 12.00 PM.
- Notice of Meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 06.08.2021 at 12.00 PM.
- Notice of Meeting of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 20.07.2021 at 12.00 PM.
- Notice of Meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 19.07.2021 at 01.30 PM.
- Notice of Meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 19.07.2021 at 11.30 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 16.07.2021 at 12.00 PM.
- Notice of Meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 15.07.2021 at 01.30 PM.
- Notice of Meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 15.07.2021 at 11.30 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 02.07.2021 at 11.30 AM.
- Notice of meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 15.06.2021 at 11.00 AM.
MAR / APR 2020
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 30.01.2021 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 22.01.2021 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 19.01.2021 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 19.01.2021 (Punishment list).
- Notice of meeting of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 30.01.2021 at 11.30 AM.
- Notice of meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 22.01.2021 at 11.00 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty held on 19.01.2021 at 11.30 AM.
- Notice of meeting of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 19.01.2021 at 12.00 PM.
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Commerce & Management faculty held on 19.01.2021 at 12 PM.
Oct / Nov 2019
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 11.03.2020 (Punishment list)..
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 11.03.2020 (Punishment list)..
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 08.02.2020 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 05.02.2020 at 12:PM (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 05.02.2020 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisciplinary Faculty dated on 08.02.2020 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 18.02.2020 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 24.02.2020 (Punishment list).
- Notice of meeting of Humanities faculty which will be held on 27.01.2020 at 11.30 am.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 12.02.2020 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy. Education) Faculty dated on 28.01.2020 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Science & Technology faculty held on 04.03.2020 (Extend date of 11.03.2020)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 27.01.2020 (Punishment list).
- Notice of meeting of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 24.02.2020 at 11.30 am.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 25.01.2020 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 24.01.2020 (Punishment list).
- Notice of meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty which will be held on 18.02.2020 at 03.0 pm.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 20.01.2020 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 21.01.2020 (Punishment list).
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty held on 12.02.2020..
- Notice of meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 08.02.2020 at 11.30 am..
- Notice of meeting of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 05.02.2020 at 12.00 pm..
- Notice of meeting of Interdisciplinary(Education & Phy.Education) faculty which will be held on 08.02.2020 at 03.00 Pm..
- Notice of meeting of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 05.02.2020 at 11.30 am..
- Notice of meeting of Interdisciplinary(Education & Phy.Education) faculty which will be held on 28.01.2020 at 03.00 Pm..
- Notice of meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty which will be held on 27.01.2020 at 11.30 am..
- Notice of meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 25.01.2020 at 11.00 am..
- Notice of meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 24.01.2020 at 11.00 am..
- Notice of meeting of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 21.01.2020 at 11.00 am..
- Notice of meeting of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 20.01.2020 at 11.30 am.
March / April 2019
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 10.08.2019 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 27.07.2019 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 13.07.2019 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy. Education) Faculty dated on 22.07.2019 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities Faculty dated on 18.07.2019 (Punishment list).
- Notice of meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 10.08.2019 at 11.00 am..
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 12.07.2019 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities Faculty dated on 09.07.2019 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 05.07.2019 (Punishment list).
- Notice of meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 27.07.2019 at 11.00 am..
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy. Education) Faculty dated on 26.06.2019 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 25.06.2019 (Punishment list).
- Notice of meeting of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy. Education) faculty which will be held on 22.07.2019 at 11.30 am..
- Notice of meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty which will be held on 18.07.2019 at 11.00 am.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 20.06.2019 (Punishment list).
- Notice of meeting of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 13.07.2019 at 11.30 am..
- Minutes of the meeting Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 17.06.2019 (Punishment List).
- Notice of meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 12.07.2019 at 11.00 am.
- Notice of meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty which will be held on 09.07.2019 at 11.00 am.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 07.06.2019 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy. Education) Faculty dated on 08.06.2019 (Punishment list).
- Notice of meeting of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 05.07.2019 at 11.00 am..
- Notice of meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty which will be held on 29.06.2019 at 11.00 am..
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 04.06.2019 (Punishment list)..
- Notice of meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 25.06.2019 at 11.30 am..
- Notice of meeting of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy. Education) faculty which will be held on 26.06.2019 at 11.30 am. ..
- Notice of meeting of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 20.06.2019 at 11.30 am..
- Notice of meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty which will be held on 17.06.2019 at 11.00 am...
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 25.05.2019 (Punishment list)..
- Notice of meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 07.06.2019 at 11.00 am..
- Notice of meeting of Interdisciplinary faculty which will be held on 08.06.2019 at 11.30 am.
- Notice of meeting of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 04.06.2019 at 11.00 am.
- Notice of meeting of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 25.05.2019 at 11.00 am.
Oct / Nov 2018
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 23.03.2019 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the meeting Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 22.03.2019 (Punishment List).
- Minutes of the meeting Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 12.03.2019 (Punishment List).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 26.02.2019 at 11.30 AM (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 11.03.2019 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 05.03.2019 (Punishment list).
- Notice of meeting of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 23.03.2019 at 11.00 am.
- Notice of meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty which will be held on 22.03.2019 at 11.00 am.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 26.02.2019 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 04.02.2019 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 05.02.2019 (Punishment list).
- Notice of meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 11.03.2019 at 11.30 am.
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty held on 12/03/2019.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisciplinary Faculty dated on 11.02.2019 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 07.02.2019 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisciplinary Faculty dated on 30.01.2019 (Punishment list).
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Commerce & Management faculty held on 05.03.2019.
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Science & Technology faculty held on 26.02.2019 at 11.30 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Science & Technology faculty held on 26.02.2019 at 11.00 AM.
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy. Education) faculty held on 11.02.2019.
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Commerce & Management faculty held on 07.02.2019.
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy. Education) faculty held on 30.01.2019.
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Science & Technology faculty held on 04.02.2019.
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Science & Technology faculty held on 05.02.2019.
Mar / Apr 2018
- Minutes of the meeting Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 30.10.2018 (Punishment List).
- Minutes of the meeting Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 12.10.2018 (Punishment List).
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty held on 30/10/2018.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 29.09.2018 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 10.09.2018 (Online accepted Students Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 10.09.2018 (Punishment list).
- Notice of meeting of Humanities faculty which will be held on 12.10.2018 at 11.00 am.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 11.09.2018 (Punishment list).
- Notice of meeting of Commerce & Management faculty which will be held on 29.09.2018 at 11.00 am.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 21.08.2018 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisciplinary (Edu. & Phy. Edu. ) Faculty dated on 11.08.2018 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 28.08.2018 (Copycase Accepted Students Punishment list).
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Commerce & Management faculty held on 11/09/2018.
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty held on 10/09/2018.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 13.08.2018 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 01.08.2018 (Punishment list).
- Notice of meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 21.08.2018 at 02.30 pm.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisciplinary (Edu. & Phy. Edu. ) Faculty dated on 24.07.2018 (Punishment list).
- Notice of meeting of Interdisciplinary faculty which will be held on 11.08.2018 at 12.00 pm.
- Notice of meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 13.08.2018 at 11.00 am.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 17.07.2018 (Punishment list).
- Notice of meeting of Science & Technology faculty which will be held on 01.08.2018 at 11.00 am.
- Notice of meeting of Interdisciplinary faculty which will be held on 24.07.2018 at 12.00 pm.
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Science & Technology faculty held on 17/07/2018.
Oct / Nov 2017
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Law) Faculty dated on 19.04.2018 (Absent Students Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 19.04.2018 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 10.04.2018 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty held on 19/04/2018.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 05.04.2018 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisciplinary (Edu. & Phy. Edu. ) Faculty dated on 24.03.2018 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 24.03.2018 (Punishment list).
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Science & Technology faculty held on 05/04/2018.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 05.03.2018 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 05.03.2018 (Punishment list).
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty held on 10/04/2018.
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy. Education) faculty held on 24/03/2018..
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Commerce & Management faculty held on 24/03/2018.
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 24.02.2018 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 24.02.2018 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisciplinary (Edu. & Phy. Edu. ) Faculty dated on 20.02.2018 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 20.02.2018 (Punishment list).
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty held on 05/03/2018
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Commerce & Management faculty held on 20/02/2018
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy. Education) faculty held on 20/02/2018
- Notice of meeting of Science & Technology (Science, Engineering & Technology) faculty which will be held on 24.02.2018
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 29.08.2017 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) Faculty dated on 12.09.2017 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 28.09.2017 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 19.09.2017 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 18.08.2017 at. 3 pm (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Science & Technology (Science, Engineering & Technology) faculty held on 28/09/2017
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisciplinary (Edu. & Phy. Edu. ) Faculty dated on 01.09.2017 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Interdisciplinary (Edu. & Phy. Edu. ) Faculty dated on 26.08.2017 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 18.08.2017 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 12.08.2017 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Commerce & Management faculty held on 19/09/2017
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty held on 12/09/2017
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Interdisciplinary (Education & Phy. Education) faculty held on 01/09/2017
- Minutes of the Meeting of Humanities Faculty dated on 31.07.2017
- Notice of meeting of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty which will be held on 29.08.2017 at 11.00 Am
- Notice of meeting of Interdisciplinary faculty which will be held on 26.08.2017 at 11.00 am
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce & Management Faculty dated on 29.07.2017 (Punishment list)
- Notice of meeting of Science & Technology (Science, Engineering & Technology) faculty which will be held on 18.08.2017 at 11.00 Pm
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Commerce & Management faculty held on 12/08/2017
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science & Technology Faculty dated on 25.07.2017 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Science & Technology (Science, Engineering & Technology) faculty held on 25/07/2017
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Humanities (Arts & Law) faculty held on 31/07/2017
OCT/NOV 2016
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce, Management & Law Faculty dated on 29.03.17 & 03.04.2017 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Minutes of the Meeting of Engineering, Education and Physical Education Faculty dated on 25.03.17 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of commerce, management and law faculty held on 03/04/2017
- Notice of Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce, Management & Law Faculty dated on 07.03.17 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of commerce, management and law faculty held on 29/03/2017
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Engineering, Education and Phy. Education faculty held on 25/03/2017
- Minutes of the Meeting of Engineering, Education and Physical Education Faculty dated on 06.03.17 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Arts Faculty dated on 01.03.17 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Minutes of the Meeting of Science and Pharmacy Faculty dated on 17.02.17 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce, Management & Law Faculty dated on 17.02.17 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of commerce, management and law faculty held on 07/03/2017
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Engineering, Education and Phy. Education faculty held on 06/03/2017
- Notice Minutes of the Meeting of Arts Faculty dated on 08.02.17 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Arts faculty held on 01/03/2017
- Notice of Minutes of the Meeting of Science and Pharmacy Faculty dated on 02.02.17 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Science and Pharmacy faculty held on 17/02/2017
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of commerce, management and law faculty held on 17/02/2017
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Arts faculty held on 08/02/2017
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Science and Pharmacy faculty held on 02/02/2017
March/April 2016
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce, Management & Law Faculty dated on 05.10.16 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science and Pharmacy Faculty dated on 26.09.16 (Punishment list).
- Minutes of the Meeting of Engineering, Education and Physical Education Faculty dated on 04.10.16 (Punishment list).
- Committee Decision on malpractice cases in the Examination Apr/May 2015 Dated on 02.09.2016 in the faculty of Science and Pharmacy.
- Notice of Meeting of Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce, Management & Law Faculty dated on 27.09.16 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of Minutes of the Meeting of Arts Faculty dated on 22.09.16 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of Minutes of the Meeting of Science and Pharmacy Faculty dated on 14.09.16 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of commerce, management and law faculty held on 05/10/2016
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Engineering, Education and Physical Education faculty held on 04/10/2016
- Notice of Minutes of the Meeting of Engineering, Education and Physical Education Faculty dated on 07.09.16 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Minutes of the Meeting of Arts Faculty dated on 31.08.16 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of commerce, management and law faculty held on 27/09/2016
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Arts faculty held on 22/09/2016
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Science and Pharmacy faculty held on 14/09/2016
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Engineering, Education and Physical Education faculty held on 07/09/2016
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Arts faculty held on 31/08/2016
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science and Pharmacy Faculty dated on 28.06.16 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Engineering Faculty dated on 21.07.16 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce, Management & Law Faculty dated on 23.06.16 (Punishment list)]
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Engineering faculty held on 21/07/2016
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce, Management & Law Faculty dated on 06/06/2016 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Science and Pharmacy faculty held on 28/06/2016
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of commerce, management and law faculty held on 23/06/2016
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Arts faculty held on 06/06/2016
Oct 2015
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Engineering, Education and Phy. Education faculty held on 28/05/2016
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce, Management & Law Faculty dated on 30.03.16 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of All Faculties (Punishment list)]
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Arts faculty held on 21/04/2016
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Arts faculty held on 21/04/2016
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of commerce, management and law faculty held on 13/04/2016
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of commerce, management and law faculty held on 30/03/2016
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Arts faculty held on 29/03/2016
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Engineering, Education and Physical Education faculty held on 28/03/2016
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Science and Pharmacy faculty held on 22/02/2016
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of commerce, management and law faculty held on 16/03/2016
March/April 2015
- Minutes of the Meeting of Engineering, Education and Physical Education Faculty dated on 23.02.16 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of All Faculties (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of commerce, management and law faculty held on 13/04/2016
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science and Pharmacy Faculty dated on 15.02.16 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce, Management & Law Faculty dated on 12.02.16 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce, Management & Law Faculty dated on 12.02.16 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Arts faculty held on 19/03/2016
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of commerce, management and law faculty held on 16/03/2016
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Arts faculty held on 11/03/2016
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Arts faculty held on 02/03/2016
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of commerce, management and law faculty held on 25/02/2016
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Engineering, Education and Physical Education faculty held on 23/02/2016
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Science and Pharmacy faculty held on 22/02/2016
- Minutes of the Meeting of Engineering, Education and Physical Education Faculty dated on 23.01.16 (Punishment list)
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Science and Pharmacy faculty held on 15/02/2016
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of commerce, management and law faculty held on 12/02/2016
- Minutes of the Meeting of Engineering, Education and Physical Education Faculty dated on 31.12.15 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Arts Faculty dated on 09.01.16 (Punishment list)]]
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science and Pharmacy Faculty dated on 13.01.16 (Punishment list)]
- Minutes of the Meeting of Science and Pharmacy Faculty dated on 30.12.15 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce, Management & Law Faculty dated on 29.12.15 (Punishment list)
- Minutes of the Meeting of Commerce, Management & Law Faculty dated on 18.12.15 (Punishment list)
- Notice of meeting of Engineering, Education and Physical Education faculty which will be held on 23.01.2016 at 01.30 pm.
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Science and Pharmacy faculty held on 13/01/2016
- Notice of Meeting of Arts Faculty held on 09/01/2016
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Engineering, Education and Physical Education faculty held on 31/12/2015
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of Science and Pharmacy faculty held on 30/12/2015
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of commerce, management and law faculty held on 29/12/2015
- Statement of Candidate format
- Notice of Meeting of copy case of commerce, management and law faculty held on 18/12/2015
- Circular No 221 Regarding Copy-Case
- Circular No 218 Regarding Copy-Case